Saturday, 10 February 2007

Where's the Morgans????

Going out to friends tonight for dinner and Morgans, lots of Morgans. Took my Saturday trek down to Strathy this morning. 6 am start, pitch black and bl***y freezing. It was still dark when I arrived about an hour later, a bit scary!! Half way round the sun started to rise altho' there was no actual sign of it. A howling gale was blowing across the Loch which got right through my makeshift training gear. Must get some proper proper water/windproofs!!!!

Anyway made it round the Loch twice, before heading back home, all in all it took me 4 hrs 15 mins to cover the 16 and a half, (very important, that half) miles. Feet are aching and I think I have the start of a blister!

Too tired to take bike in to be repaired, maybe next week.

Morgans here I come.......................

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