Saturday, 2 June 2007
**********115th to cross the line ***********
Wednesday, 30 May 2007
Ahh, That's Nice....
"Hey boys
Just wanted to let you know that I been loving reading your blog about Monster. Every few days in the office I read bits out to everyone here and it does make us giggle! If its ok with you both I'd love to use some quotes from it for next years PR? Don't think I'll suggest everyone reads it in case it scares them all off!!!
Having spent the last 12 months organising Monster (and already planning next years!) - its brilliant to hear when people enjoyed it and were inspired by the event - makes my job worthwhile!
Thanks for keeping me entertained!
Dee Orme
Monster Co-ordinator"
Keep up the good work Dee and team!
Thursday, 24 May 2007
The Last Lap. Drumnadrochit to Inverness 18 miles
The route takes you along the pavement alongside the A82 and we soon forgot the pain in our legs and feet as we hiked along this lovely flat road. I remember saying to Paul that there was quite a large mound of tree covered dirt, (a mountain it looked like) off to the left and joked that we would probably have to climb it.. It was no joke and we did have to climb it!
It started off a nice wee stroll through the trees where we were 'checked in' by one of Maggie's helpers, and a gate closed behind us. This was so if we did not surface at the other end they could come looking for us. Well that's what the guy said, I'm not so sure....
Then it was up and up and up and up and even more up! Not only was it not freezing, it was roastin' and our clothes had to be shed one by one. This was the very first time that I felt I would have to stop and take a rest. My head felt like it was going to explode, it was so hot and I could hardly get a breath. I reckoned that the trees were taking up all the oxygen and were dishing out the C02 and that's how I couldn't breathe. I know it's the other way round! Anyway we somehow managed to keep going and after a while it levelled off a bit. Then up and up again!
When we eventually came out at the 'top' there was a very welcome 'water stop' which had tea, cake, and stuff and much needed lavvy!
As the light started to fade, so did we! As you can see by Paul's face. The trees had now disappeared as they had already been harvested. It looked pretty bleak to tell the truth and so did the landscape!
This was my last picture of the night, if you look really close you can see the night stick lights that Maggie's helpers had attached to the trees to guide us. We really did need them.
Now, after Paul's rush to get to the Silver 'massage point' when he left me in his dust, we were now going at a pace that suited me and we could have a blether about our day. I remembered back on the cycle leg, and was explaining to Paul about the guy who got on to me for not stopping and taking on water. "That wis me!!" he tells me. So this is how he got past me! I didn't even recognise my buddie flyin' by. Here was me taking my time to let him catch up and he had passed me within seconds of that water stop and was racing for the line. This had the two of us giggling like a couple of schoolies. Must be dehydrated or something.
Just after a place called Abraichan we came off the forest track and onto a country road. "That's you in single figures now" one of Maggie's guys told us as we come onto the road. This is when we started to try and work out how long it would take us to finish if we were now under 10 miles from 'home'. Have you ever tried calculating possible miles per hour after 14 or 15 hours slogging? Well we tried, and we tried, you know average 3mph and 9 miles to go.. divide 3 by 9 or is it.. no, 9 by 3 which leaves 3. Three what?? We gave up, but not before I called Lorraine on the mobile, telling her we would be in Inverness for 12, or so we hoped!
Although the photo above looks quite dark, it wasn't that dark that we needed the head torches. Paul would say, it's gettin' dark are you putting on your head torch? Nope! Don't need it was my reply. After 15 hours I was just about getting used to the walking poles, without adding further to my geeky appearance!
Needs must though and was not that long 'til the torches became a necessity, except that I had put old batteries in to test them out and reckoned they would do. They did, for about half an hour. It was when we left the penultimate (last but one (for the dafties)) water stop, that we had a blether with some of the other hikers that I noticed that our torch was a lot dimmer than theirs, a lot dimmer. It was now also starting to rain as I tried, in the pitch dark, to insert my spare batteries. Not easy! What a difference when they finally went in though.
The last leg was undoubtedly the toughest, the 'helpers' would 'lie' to us by saying "not far now, just another couple of miles". Then another couple, then... The lights, the lights that we were promised would lift our spirits and urge us on. This was the lights of Inverness, in the distance, in the far distance. That far in the distance that they never seemed to be getting any closer!
A wee lighthearted moment when Paul wished me a happy birthday as the clock struck 12.00
No bad, I was only 48 when I started out on this malarkey and here I was a year older by the time we finish.
Drizzle rain, feet on fire and my hamstring was getting tighter and tighter. Paul moaning that the lights were moving away from us instead of us getting closer. It was pretty miserable!
We then came down off the hill, (imagine that, us up a hill,) up to the last water stop, which we just passed by. Through streets, then another path down a hill, along more streets, under a canal, up steps along a football field and then onto the running track of Inverness Aquadome. Bliss, the AstroTurf of the track was like walking on air, so much so Paul and me broke out into a wee bit of a jog for that last hundred yard or so.. Kings of Leon, I shouted, fist in the air as we crossed the line together.
Lorraine was up in the stand with our video camera recording the finale of our 18 hour Monster Bike and Hike. Unbeknown to her that these wee cameras can't see more that a couple of yards in the dark. Ah well, it's all recorded in ma heid. At least until the brain cells gie oot!

Lynne got this one on her mobile, brilliant!
Next stop, can of Bud and a massage, Fantastic!!
Thursday, 17 May 2007
Invermoriston to Drumnadrochit 15 miles
It was another extremely steep climb two minutes into this section, we were just tucking into our bars of chocolate and found that we couldn't climb and eat. I couldn't get enough air into my lungs and scoff my choccy too! Like the proverbial dummy, oot it came!!
My wee 30 inside leg were no match for Paul's 65's. He started complaining that he was getting a stiff neck, having to twist round all the time to see if I was still there.
This is my last sighting of Paul as he raced away as we were coming off the hill into Drumnadrochit.
Can't blame him really, this road was at least 2 miles long and was very steep. Doon the way! You should try it sometime, everybody on this road found themselves breaking into a jog as it was easier to let your momentum carry you down rather than let your knees take the pounding. Personally I reckoned it would have been easier to just lie down and roll doon the hill.
This was our view from half way down the hill of The Silver Finish Point, Drumnadrochit.
Paul as you can imagine reached the checkpoint before me, and I knew where to find him when I arrived, flat out getting the massage that he had been drooling over for the past 15 miles. No pics unfortunately!
One of Maggie's helpers walked the last few hundred yards with me telling me how wonderful I was, doing this for such a great charity, I know I know. She went on to say that she could never have got this far. I thought that she was being a bit hard on herself when in fact I told her her contribution to the event was just as worthy of backslapping as any of the Bikers and Hikers. We honestly could not have done it without them.
Anyway, enough of that twaddle. Lorraine was awol as I came into the checkpoint as the car was parked miles away and she was ferrying stuff to and from it. So I was greeted by the rest of our troops, first Lynne and Pauline and then Roy, Pauline and my mum.. Aahhh.
Here's a pic of (l to r)Pauline, Paul, Lynne and of course Pauline!
Lorraine and my mum... Aahhh!
Now going back to the Safety Briefing on Friday night, the guy from St John's Ambulance told us "WE DO BLISTERS, BIG TIME" We hadn't to try and fix them ourselves as their 'highly trained' staff would make a better job of it! Can't argue with that. Well I wouldn't, until I presented my blisters to their only untrained blister expert. She didn't remove the talc that was liberally doused all over my feet. Consequence of that, as we all know was, my very expensive compeed plasters didn't stick. She then tried to patch this up with tape, which also didn't stick! Thanks very much. not! (Didn't actually say that to the girl as she was lovely really) I went back to our own support team and had to rip off the compeed and start again. The time taken to do this was supposed to be for my massage... no time for that now!!!
Maggie's had laid on baked tatties, stew, kedgeree fruit etc etc..
We spent nearly an hour at this checkpoint, what with my blisters and Paul's massage, before getting ready for the last section which of course would be the night section. To make sure we would manage this part, all the hikers were monitored and checked out before leaving.
Paul's checkout checklist,
Maggie's helper.. Head torch? Paul's reply.. yup - false
Maggie's helper.. waterproofs? Paul.. yup - sort of true, they were Lynne's and only reached his armpits
Every question she asked. Paul ..Yup. You could see that the girl didn't believe him but she reckoned that he was good to go, so go we went.
There was one guy who didn't get past this point as he was really out of it, he had been advised not to carry on and was presented with a Silver Medal for getting this far. He was far from pleased and stotted his medal off the wall. Disappointed is an understatement as to how this guy felt and here we were feeling great and ready for the off.
Although the 15 mile journey in was very tough, we had made great time. We reckoned that we would have come into the Silver after about 8 pm and here we were leaving for Gold at only 7 pm.
There is a link to Maggie's Official Photographs taken throughout the event and can be found click here
Sunday, 13 May 2007
Hiking alongside the wonderful Lochs...........NOT!
After we had left Fort Augustus check point, Paul and I set off on the first leg of the hiking section to the Bronze finish at Invermoriston. We chatted about the biking leg, how brilliant it was and how we would love to do that section again some time. Blah, Blah blah and LOST. Now the guy at the Safety Briefing said that we would have to be pretty constructive to get lost as they had laid out markers all along the route to keep us on track. Here we were, 5 minutes left to our own devices and we had arrived at a road junction, no markers, no signs, nothing. We had to backtrack along the road until we saw this great big fluorescent sign with a great big black arrow, pointing left up a country track.
When I say UP a country track I emphasise the UP bit. There was a lot of UP bits, Up bits that would take the breath away from mere mortals, but not us! Onwards and upwards!
All the hiking sections are quite a blur really, I can't remember which sections were where but I do remember coming down the hillside into Invermoriston and hearing a brass band playing away in the distance, could this be for us? Yup and quite tear jerking it was too as we approached the checkpoint. We asked this lovely woman to take a photo of Paul and myself, unfortunately she was 'too busy' eh? Got one in the end though from some helpful guy.
Looking and feeling good at the bridge at Invermoriston. With loads of people clapping and waving, we checked in and then went into the village hall to gather some supplies. One of Maggie's volunteer helpers was dishing out cracking rolls and ham/cheese etc with a salad. We both scoffed one of these down changes socks, replenished our bags. As we were leaving I fancied another roll and ham to go but the lady had already put them onto paper plates with the salad etc. I asked her if I could just have a roll on its own. None too pleased about this, she said "typical man, won't eat his greens" I tried to explain that I had just eaten one of her lovely rolls with salad and was just wanting another to take with me, but...Got my roll though, then Paul asked for the same and lifted a roll off one of the made up plates. This totally confused our poor helper, as now she had these two plates full of salad but with no rolls. I could see her wondering if she should just add more rolls to the salads or bin the whole lot and start again. We beat a hasty retreat. On checking back out again we picked up some jelly beans (for Paul) and a couple of bars of chocolate. (Brilliant organisation) We had light sticks tied to our bags by Maggie's helpers, for the night section. These are like the things you get at the fair, when it gets dark we had to bend them which mixed some stuff in the sticks and they lit up as if by magic. We left Invermoriston at 1:25 pm
Something Missing?
Now that it is all over, I feel that there is something missing. I can't quite put my finger on it but I have been feeling a little flat since the morning after crossing that finishing line. Will have to be getting a new project up and running soon, perhaps a .... or a ... wait and see!
Tuesday, 8 May 2007
Cycle Ride, Fort William to Fort Augustus
Neptunes Staircase 7am, Piper playing, hearts thumping, countdown 10, 9, 8..... hooter sounds and we're off. A quick wave to our support teams who are taking pictures etc and then the wacky race begins. Up 'til now we were a little in the dark as what was in front of us but it didn't take long to find out. This was no Sunday jaunt out with the good lady, this was full on macho racing along the towpath of the Caledonian Canal. Quite smooth for the first hundred yards or so then it was pothole alley, bikes swaying from side to side trying to avoid the big ones and if you were tailgating you were in for a bumpy ride! I remember back to when I sat my 'Cycling Proficiency Test' (I don't think my fell monster bikers sat theirs) you know, if you are going to change directing, have a look behind, signal, THEN manoeuvre. A little courtesy in letting us super fit cyclists pass would have been nice. But no, you had to wait for a slight gap then batter through it if you could.
This went on for about 6 miles up to Gairlochy before turning off over the canal and going inland. It should really be called UPland as this was the first of many steep climbs, can't remember it all but there was single track roads then some forest tracks with people passing you then a little later you would pass them again. this happened throughout the cycle.
If you can imagine the scariest thing you have ever done in your life, then multiply that by 10 then you might get to understand how some of the forest track downhill sections felt to us. there was one in particular, it was after a long slog of a climb when everybody was taking advantage of this downhill section. The track was rubble strewn, boulders sticking up everywhere and for some reason everybody thought we were professional downhill racers. Next thing a corner looms and the guy in front of me starts to brake and I find myself closing in on him at an uncomfortable rate. I decided that if I braked I would not be able to steer around the corner, Paul was just behind me at this time and I guess he was trying to stay alive just like me! This guy in front of me then changed direction right into my path and I had to swing to the left, now this was a right turn corner and I was now going straight for this concrete edge of a small bridge thing.. I am still in the first hour of the event and was convinced it was tatty byebyes. The big guy must have been watching out for me as somehow I managed to just edge past the concrete block and round the corner. I kid you not, it was the most terrifying thing that has ever happened to me and also the most thrilling. Paul saw it all from behind me and reckoned he was looking for a new team to join! Yeeha! bring it on!!! (Heard later that somebody did come off at the same spot, wrote off his bike and his hands and wrists too. Ouch!)
Paul was the more powerful of us on bikes and would pull away most of the time, stop to have a wee drink until I caught up and then we would be off again. At one of the last water stops, I need to give a big mention to the guys at the water stops, we couldn't have done it without them, they were brilliant. Always has words of encouragement and delicious goodies to sup and eat if you needed it. Anyway at the last water stop, I think it was before Invergarry, Paul had reached it before me as usual, I decided that I would just carry on and shouted to Paul that he could catch me up for a change. Immediately after this stop was a pretty long steep climb, I remember that a couple of minutes after I had passed the water stop this guy overtook me and sort of berated me for not stopping and taking on more fluids. I was fine, cheeky b****er. Never saw Paul again on the ride, I was quite chuffed that I was managing to keep up the pace. The next part of the route was so steep, zigzagging up a hillside path that was too steep to get tyre grip that everybody had to dismount and push the bike up the hill. This was after 23 miles and was a bit lung bursting. I remember thinking that all those boring hours spent in the gym were now worth it. The path was now too narrow for others to pass for the next 4 very tough miles. Came down off the hill at Oich Bridge and back onto a towpath for the final 6 miles. This was a scoosh and I found myself slowing down to let Paul catch up, but no Paul. Now it was my turn to think about getting myself another team. I guess Paul might have came a cropper or a puncture or something. When I came into Fort Augustus it was 9:45 so the 30 miles took me 2 hrs 45 mins. The street was full of people clapping and cheering and it was quite emotional, (sniff). First person I saw that I knew was...Paul. Paul who I had left in my dust 11 miles back! I reckoned he must have got a lift or something as he had never passed me, more on this later.
Orginisation was once again first class, everything was laid on for us, supplies, soup, toilets etc. Lorraine, Lynne and Pauline were also in waiting with our kit for the next leg. A quick change of shorts in the car, a hawnfy of Vaseline doon the drawers, dry shirt, socks and boots and we were off again. More cheers from the volunteers as we checked out and set off.
Build Up to the Off
Last day at work as both myself and Paul have taken annual leave on Friday so we can get up to Fort William for the registration and 'Pasta Party'. I think Catriona, our senior technician, and work disher-outer has forgotten as more jobs land on our benches. We say nothing and sneak out at end of day, hee hee! (it will still be there when we get back though)
Get home to check I have all my gear ready, laying it out all over the living room carpet, cycling stuff in first pile, boots trainers and stuff for first hiking section and so on. Then I start moving some stuff from one pile to another and then to another and in the end it all gets thrown into a black bin bag and piled into the car.
Paul on the other hand is still trying to get his bike back from the repair shop. It is still with Billy Bilsland's Cycles, and what with all the good weather and folks just getting paid, the cycle shop is chocca. 7 pm and the bike has still not been looked at and Paul is a wee bit concerned, no Paul is a big bit concerned. I think the guy at Bilsland's is called Neil and he pulled out all the stops for Paul, he fitted another new rear gear cog and told Paul that he would cycle his bike home to road test it and if it was still dodgy he would lend Paul his own bike, service or what!! Brilliant.
Another problem was his car which needed a new exhaust and was booked in Friday morning, not very good with timing is our Paul.
Friday 4th
Lorraine and I take off for Fort William, car packed as if we were touring the highlands for a month. Beautiful day and lovely drive up Loch Lomandside. We meet up with my cousin Roy and his wife Pauline and also my mum, bless her. If you have ever been to Fort William before you would not have recognised it today, the ground was dry and the sun was shining. It was, people have shorts on and everything!
We went along to the Nevis Centre, where we had to register etc. The organisation was in full flow and Maggie's volunteers were taking names giving out 'goody bags' to the participants, T-shirts, energy bars, torches and loads of other stuff. We decided to wait until Paul and his team arrive before I would register etc.
When Paul finally got his car back and his bike was pronounced fit for duty he arrived up at FW late afternoon and went straight to registration, got his goody bag and stuffed his face with the fantastic pasta meals which the caterers were dishing out. We arrived shortly afterwards. Hugs all round with our respected contingents, Paul, Lynne and Pauline to my Lorraine, Mum, Roy and Pauline.
Bands playing and meeting up with some of our fellow Bike and Hikers, I also met Steven from the 'Tldads' team who has also been writing a blog on his teams lead up to the event. He has been suffering with a suspected fallen arch and is cagey about his chances of finishing but he was well up for it and I know he will do his best. Come on Steven!!
8pm 'Safety Briefing'
Up to now everybody is in party mood, laughing, eating, chatting etc and then one of Maggie's guys steps up on the stage and starts to go through the stages. The more he talks the quieter the massive crowd gets until you could hear a pin drop. Looking around, peoples faces (Paul's) were getting whiter and I was struggling to swallow. This was certainly not going to be any Sunday school outing.
After the briefing we all went our separate ways to our B&B's etc.
Our start time was 7 am and we had to be up and at the start for 6:30. That wasn't that much of a problem as I didn't sleep much. Paul and his crew were in a hostel and his fellow hosteliers were not that bothered that Paul and his team had an early start and they were partying well into the early hours, not much sleep for Paul either!
Wednesday, 2 May 2007
Thanks to all
Paul and I would like to thank each and every one for their contribution in helping Maggie's Cancer Caring Centres flourish.
Thanks again
Jake n Paul
2 Days To Go! Are We Ready?????????
Paul is having some serious issues with his bike. It seemed a good idea if we both put our bikes into a cycle shop to have them checked over before M-Day. Paul had damaged his brakes, I think it was about 6 months ago, and he thought that he might use these on the day! It was these new hydraulic disc brakes and the repair guy must have thought all his Christmas's had come at once. His gears were also jumping a bit, so much so that when he was powering up Cathedral Street, the chain slipped and his nose came in close proximity of the handle bars!
New rear brake
New rear gear cogs,
New front derailer,
New tyre
£95 and the gears still jump. The guy can't find out what is wrong and Paul has had it back to him 3 times and no joy.
Paul has also splashed out on new hiking shoes for the trek and has been breaking them in running back and forth to the repair shop. Eventually he has given up on this guy and taken his bike down to Billy Bilsland cycles where I got my bike and he is first class. Long and the short of it, he can't look at it until at least Thursday to be ready for Friday.... Cuttin' it a bit fine methinks. Fingers crossed!!!!!
Can't help feeling a bit smug though, I put my bike in for a check over into Bilslands and also asked him to change over from my road tyres to my off roads. Diagnosis was, bike perfect and best of all - no charge! Brilliant.
This is the recommended kit list that we should be taking with us, Paul's recommended list is at the bottom.
* Waterproofs
* Water container and 2-3 litres of water
* Head torch or torch for night section
* Energy food
* Map
* Spare socks
* Zinc oxide tape
* Mobile phone
* Basic First Aid Kit
* Bicycle helmet
Main kit list (carried by support team)
* Spare boots or trainers – well broken in
* Spare clothes and waterproofs
* Sunhat, sun cream and sunglasses.
* Midge repellent and head net
* Cycle shorts (without padding for walking in)
* Vaseline – to prevent chaffing
* Basic first aid kit – blister repair kit, zinc oxide
tape and foot powder
* Energy drinks – Lucozade
* Energy food – nuts, fruit, chocolate, energy bars
* Spare batteries for torch
* Mobile phone
* Woolly hat and gloves
* 5 spare pairs socks – 1,000 mile or double lined
* Towel
* Spare boot laces
* Blanket
* Food – for main checkpoints and in between
* Pack of Compeed
Paul's Kit List.
* Pair of gutties, sannies, plimsoles or whatever you call them
* Pair of shorts
* Pair of socks (that he got from Maggies)
* T-Shirt (that will be supplied by Maggies)
* A hoody (if it gets cold)
* A bin liner (if it gets wet)
* 2 litre bottle of Irn Bru ( he can refill this at checkpoints)
* 4 KitKats (Chunky of course
* A late addition, his new shoes.
The next post will probably be once it is all over...
Compeed here we come...
Sunday, 22 April 2007
This countdown thing is scaring me..........
Anyway I know it's not going to go away but for some reason I can't seem to motivate myself for the final push although Paul is rarin' to go. I have convinced myself that I am saving myself, protecting my poor joints and thinning skin on the soles of my feet for the big day.
Last Saturday, Paul and me did the Strathy walk again, this time in 3 hrs 30 or something! Now Paul is a good head above me in height and was striding out goodtime. I felt like I was a wee boy again, falling behind then having to do a double quick step to catch up with my dad. The sweat was pouring off me. I had forgotten that the 'Tic were playing at 12:30 that day and he was making sure that he was back in time to see it on Satanta. Did they win? I found out later that he has also picked up a rubbing injury to his ankle and he was trying to "outpace the agony", eh??
I am getting blisters on my blisters on any walks over 10 miles so I tried some zinc oxide tape directly over the worst areas (read this somewhere) before we started on Saturday, When I pulled it off... off came the skin as well to show this lovely virgin pink stuff, soft as a babies bum. So much for trying to harden it up all these weeks with Meths and stuff!
On Sunday, Paul, keen as ever was out on his bike, running around Glasgow, up Sauchie and doon Buchie, here there and everywhere for 2hrs 15 mins. He is sure that it must have been around the 30 mile mark. I am having trouble trying to map the route, it is quite complicated. lol. He has also cycled to work and home again every day SOBER!! It's not that he drinks and cycles but Paul has been abstaining from any alcoholic beverages for 4 WEEKS now. I think he should have been sponsored for that alone, well done big man!
We got some head lice this week too, I mean head lights, cheers Eddie!
My contributions are not so grande this week, I cycled to and from work 2 days in a row (60 miles) and did 100 situps in front of the telly. That's it!
I think I might remove that timer.......
Wednesday, 11 April 2007
Come on Jake "We'll" have to get the finger out!!
So I got a wee note with a list on it handed to me as I was leaving work tonight,
Paul's workout-
Friday 6th; 14 mile hike Strathclyde Park to Garrion Bridge and back.
Saturday 7th; 80 lengths of Tollcross baths. (25m lengths at that)
Sunday 8th; 5.2 mile round trip walk. (that was to the pub, but NO ALCOHOL) so he says.
Monday 9th; 68 lengths and then 12 miles on the bike, must have looked a right chooky with his speedo's on the bike!
Oh aye, and another thing, Paul cycles 50 miles to work and back. That's right Paul, it was 50 you said, wasn't it? Oh, that's a week.......
So I hope nobody thinks Paul was just leaving it all to the last minute or Manjana!!
This blog will soon be chock a bloc 'Paul's workouts'
My contribution for the past week...
Tuesday 3rd; cycle to work and back 30 miles
Friday 6th; That memorable first outing with Paul, Strathy to Garrion
Saturday 7th; a hand in hand stroll out with the good lady. (Kilsyth towpath)
Sunday 8th; another hand in hand stroll, also with the good lady. (along Clyde)
Easter Monday; Shopping Tesco, yuk!
Tuesday 10th; shed gym- 45 minutes inc 90 situps.
Wednesday 11th; cycle to work and back 30 miles.
Friday, 6 April 2007
Our Target Has Been Reached - BRILLIANT
Sunday, 1 April 2007
Where's the Snow?
Sunday, 25 March 2007
41 Days Left
Amanda, my journalist niece, had to do a video piece for her Uni course and once again chose me as her subject. Can't think why! Anyway she brought her Papa over last Sunday to film me exercising, out on the bike and a wee interview, for that she felt the need to furnish me with a bottle of Morgans! Lovely girl that. I drank the Morgans after the interview by way.
Paul had whisked his girlfriend away to Dublin for a birthday treat. So I imagine the lifting of a few Guinness's will be the only training from him this week. Happy **th Birthday Lynne!!!! Hope you enjoyed Dublin.
Once the depression had lifted I did a couple of stints in the shed limbering up on the exercise stuff, no immediate reaction to my knee or hip so I decided to step it up a notch by going for a 30 mile bike ride (route here). The first 5 miles or so were **llish but after that I felt I could have cycled all day. That is until I got off the bike back at the house, legs were like jelly and bum numb!!
Woke up next morning at about 4am, I had forgotten to put the bike away last night and was out of bed like a shot. It was still where I had left it, very honest folk in Newarthill you know. Went back to bed but couldn't get back to sleep, I guessed that I could be putting this time to better use so I took myself off for a 14 mile donner up to Shotts Prison and back again. I took a couple of Brufen before I went and had no reaction in knee/hip. Remember kids, Say NO to Drugs! I'm thinking positive again and can't wait to get out again.
I am on holiday this week and hoping to get the garden and all that type of stuff tidied. Probably get out for a couple of hikes/bikes as well, we'll see....
Sunday 18th - shed gym: situps 50+50+50 in 1 hr workout.
Monday 19th - shed gym: situps 50+50+50 in 1 hr workout.
Tuesday 20th - shed gym: situps 50+40 in 30 mins workout.. knackered today
Friday 23rd - shed gym: situps 60+60 in 1 hr workout
Saturday 24th - Bike Ride 32 miles in 2 hrs 40 mins (Route here)
Sunday 25th - Walk 14 miles in 4hrs 40 mins (Route here)
Saturday, 10 March 2007
56 Days to Go...............................
Early rise Saturday and felt great and set off at 7:20am with big intentions. Paul was supposed to be coming this week but had to call off at last minute.. 56 days to go....Paul!
Walked from house to Dalziel House and then along Clyde Walkway up to the Garrion Bridge, on the way back I took a wee detour to see that hoose I fancy. Needs a bit more work than I thought George!
Found out it is actually Cambusnethan Priory, I think I remember that they used to run Jacobian Nights there many moons ago, what a sad state it is in now though!
That detour had me up to my knees in mud and sh** as I had to cut across a field full of 'hairy beasts' who have no finesse in the toileting department. I must tell that farmer to tell his cows to stay off the clearly signposted 'walkway'!!!!!!
Another detour by going via Strathclyde Park where I change into my trainers for the hike back up to Newarthill. Had a little twinge in my left knee but soldiered on.. this twinge soon travelled across to my right hip and right up to my now furrowed brow!! Hobbled the last 5 or so miles with thoughts going through my mind that I had only travelled about a third of our intended 43 miles.. maybe I should go for the silver, at this rate it might be bronze.
6 hours 25 minutes and 17.87 miles later.........................home at last!! Route here
Paul has been getting on to me and I promised that I would post his cycle route to and from work which he travels daily, 5.42 miles each way. Route here
I tried to get the route he swims at Bellahouston Baths but I was nearly arrested as apparently you can't video in the baths anymore ;~)
Tuesday, 6 March 2007
Another week closer
It's been a bit of a mixed week for both paul and myself, I haven't been doing much as far as the gym machines are concerned but I did cycle to work two days last week with round trips of around 28 miles. After the Daily Record article, which quoted Paul as cycling to work and 'swimming in the evenings' he reckoned he had better start!!!
He has been going to Bellahouston Baths 3 nights a week and weekends too. I think he has misread the Bike and Hike bit as maybe Bike and PIKE. He says he will swim along Loch Ness while I take to the hills.
Here are a couple of pictures of the Clyde eating away at the banking, I remember this stretch as a boy when it was just a trickle. Global warming in Motherwell in action!!
You never know...
Must find out more, George do you fancy this one?
A Perk of The Trade..
We are fortunate that the business we are in, Prosthetics and Orthotics, that we have had the opportunity to manufacture our own custom insoles for our boots . As an inhouse training exercise we enlisted a lovely Orthotist, Catriona, who instructed me in the process of assessment of Pauls boaters. He did say he washed them special! Not so sure......
Apparently Paul requires a slight correction in his insoles which should help him to walk better.
Walking at all would be an improvement!! This is Paul hard at work.
Catriona used a method of 'slipper casting' using stookie bandage to take an accurate copy of Pauls feet.
Another method is to step into a foam filled box which will take an impression of your feet.
Once the plaster bandage has set it is removed. as shown by Cat.
We fill our slipper casts with dental plaster to make a 'positive cast' of our feet.
We will remove the bandage at our next inhouse day to rectify (clean up and smooth) the casts.
Wednesday, 28 February 2007
Paul on a workout??

Tuesday, 27 February 2007
Famous today..chip wrapper tomorrow

story found here click
Monday, cycled to work again and managed to cut about 15 minutes off the round trip, still tough tho'.
Route found here click
Tuesday, 45 minutes on machines including situps 50+50+50=150, my best yet!
Sunday, 25 February 2007
1000 mile socks? More like 10 mile.....
Anyway I still managed to get myself up and drag my limp body down to Dalzell House in Motherwell where I set off on a trek over to the 'Clyde Valley' Nice day with just a smittering of occasional drizzle. 2 hours out, had a bit of lunch and then return. I was wearing my new 1000 mile socks and my feet were still aching. NO blisters tho' but still tender. Thanks to fellow Monster Tamers TLDADS, I have mapped out my hike on a website mentioned in their blog (see Links)
The website calculates distance, average speed etc. It has worked out that I walked just over 13 and a half miles..... felt like 33 and a half!! This is going to be tough. 43 miles, nae bother!!
Here's a wee picture of the new Garrion Bridge.
Wednesday, 21 February 2007
My mate 'big John' retired today, early retirement that is! We had a wee reception for him at work so everybody could say cheerio. We are going out on Friday to do it properly!!!
As part of the deal at Billy Bilsland Cycles I was to get shoes and pedals. Phoned up this morning and my size were now in stock, so I raced down during my lunchbreak only to find my helpful 'Neil' had ordered in size 8 instead of size 9.... not chuffed. Did get a bell tho'. Ah well, another hike down to the Saltmarket tomorrow.
Sunday, 18 February 2007
Another week closer
I ordered some hiking socks on the net, 1000 mile socks. 'Guaranteed no blisters' within 1000 miles of use. They arrived on Thursday but were too big!!!! If you ever need these socks, buy the smaller size. I am a 9 and the socks were 9 to 11. Paul's feet are much bigger that mine, does that not mean.....? or is that hands? anyway I have sold the socks to Paul and ordered myself the smaller size 6 to 8, and no more hiking 'til they come.
I went out on Sunday, after the hangover wore off a bit and went into Glasgow to Tiso, The Outdoor Specialist shop to see if I could pick up a jacket to ward off the winter winds and rain that battered me yesterday. A bit pricey!! but settled on a Berghaus number and a pair of Lycra running shorts, very fetching. Set me back over a ton. ouch!
My son spotted the jacket and I thought I was going to get the seal of approval with my Berghaus label, no such luck, "anorak".
Got myself onto the exercise machines on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday totalling 320 sit ups and 2hrs and 45 mins of workouts.
Saturday morning I took my bike into 'Billy Bilsand Cycles' Saltmarket Glasgow for the badly needed repairs and Neil, a very helpful guy, said he would have it done for me that very day. Went home and did a 1 hrs 10 min workout. Out for lunch with Lorraine and then got the call for my bike, although the news wasn't that it was ready to be picked up, but it was knackered and the bottom bracket was totally seized up and couldn't be shifted.
Bottom line is I ended up getting a new bike, ouch! and double ouch!!
Instead of putting myself through all this exercise, workouts and all the relative costs of this fundraising lark, I should just have written out a fat cheque to Maggie's and saved all this hassle.
Only kidding, I am loving all this really and never felt better.
Jumped on my new bike and took off from Glasgow back to Newarthill, about 15 miles and 1hr + later....
New pump, new lights, new lock, new glasses, new overdraft!!!
Saturday, 10 February 2007
Where's the Morgans????
Anyway made it round the Loch twice, before heading back home, all in all it took me 4 hrs 15 mins to cover the 16 and a half, (very important, that half) miles. Feet are aching and I think I have the start of a blister!
Too tired to take bike in to be repaired, maybe next week.
Morgans here I come.......................
Friday, 9 February 2007
Quick Week That...
Sponsor money now over £1200. Brilliant! We have now got some sponsor forms and will revisit potential donors who don't fancy doing it online.
No exercising Tuesday or Wednesday, was working 8 'til 6 both nights and couldn't be bothered!!
Thursday, got the finger out again, 55 minute workout, 1 hour 20 mins fast walk around the villages, finished by trying to jog up *Cleekhimin Brae on way home. Not very good at this jogging malarkey. (*pronounced 'Kleekymin' )
We received the Event Handbook from Maggie's and were horrified to find out, the 3 hours we were planning to take to cover the 30 mile biking stage, will apparently be completed in 'under 2 hours' by some of our fellow fundraisers. Can't see us doing it in that time!!!
Also the 12 to 15 hours guesstimate we were hoping to complete the 43 mile hiking section is looking more like 18 hours. Arghhhh!!!!
Our total time now looks as if it is going to be more like minimum 21 hours.
Hey Paul, whose idea was this anyway????????
Tuesday, 6 February 2007
Weekend's Over
Guess what? Do you think Paul walked to the pub on Saturday?
We had a photographer from The Daily Record to take a couple of mugshots for Amandas arcticle, should be in on a Tuesday, probably next week or soon after. As we only had Pauls bike, and not any hiking gear?? at work, we had to make do. It was a laugh right enough. The photographer had us both on the bike at the same time except Paul did not want to be the one at the 'rear'.
My pal Sophie gave me some great tips on using a rowing machine, seems I was getting my breathing all wrong.
50 minute workout but could only manage 75 situps, + 1 hour fast walk around the villages then back in time for double Corrie!!!
Saturday, 3 February 2007
This one gets me every time......
2nd February 1963 - 2nd November 1996...... Sadly missed.
Read her story here
DiD I say 43 miles, Nae Bother?
Friday, 2 February 2007
Weekend looming
Hoping to have another jaunt around Strathy tomorrow, Paul is also going to do some serious workouts, he will walk to the pub in Town instead of getting bus!
I did a bit myself last night, 110 situps and a 45 minute workout, had a wee rest then took myself off to see the sights around Newarthill, Carfin, Newstevenson, and then back up to Newarthill. It took about an hour so I guess about 4 miles ish. the situps were not all at once tho' 45 then 40 then a knackering 25.
Tuesday, 30 January 2007
Now where is that bike?
Amanda, who is studying to be a journalist, dropped by to write a human interest story about our endeavours.
She is doing work experience at the Daily Record and is hoping to submit our story to her editor, fingers crossed.
Go for it Amanda! This could raise the profile of Maggie's and also the website.
another day
40 minutes on the exercise stuff last night including 60 situps...ouch. Paul has been cycling to work every day, a round trip of about 10 miles. He says he is going to start hiking training this weekend....we'll see.
Monday, 29 January 2007
Gettin fit
Sunday 28th, I could hardly walk, legs were aching, Paul could hardly walk either, head aching!
In the beginning...
We logged onto Maggie's webpage and discovered that the bike ride was in fact a 73 mile Monster Bike and Hike, which should be completed in under 24 hours. not quite the 10k bike ride that we were expecting!!
No bother to us, so we sent off the registration fee and a couple of days later we got confirmation that our application was successful. Awe Naw! D-Day 5th May 2007.
A fundraising website was quickly set up at a brilliant site .
Emails duly sent out and the money has come flooding in. We had an initial target of £800 between us but this had to be quickly raised to £1000 thanks to our early donors.
Time to get fit....